Walter Stranzl: Staying On Point In A Changing Industry

by Erin Rafter Monitor 100 2024
As president of OnPoint Capital, the captive of OnPoint Group, Walter Stranzl consistently seeks out challenging opportunities, whether in the current economic climate or in future collaborations between the industry and AI.

Walter Stranzl,
OnPoint Capital

Walter Stranzl began his career in equipment finance in the late 90’s after starting in public accounting. In 2012, he joined OnPoint Capital as CFO and was promoted to president in 2019.

As a leader, Stranzl instills in his organization the values of hard work and respect that he learned from his immigrant parents. He has built a fully remote team of self-motivated individuals across the country and ensures that everyone practices work-life balance.

Stranzl’s primary objectives for OnPoint Capital are customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholder value. With approximately 80% of OnPoint’s revenue coming from affiliates and unique product offerings, the OnPoint Capital team focuses on creating and customizing unmatched solutions for their customers and finance partners.

While the past few months have proven difficult for banks due to liquidity issues, Stranzl believes it presents a tremendous upside for independents, captives and unregulated institutions that could ultimately impact the composition of the industry in the long term.

“I believe independents and captives that are well-financed and adhere to good business principles will thrive going forward,” Stranzl says. “They’ll have the flexibility to meet customer needs and create solutions that will foster lasting relationships, and that’s what it’s all about. Relationships are so important.”

Stranzl’s short- and long-term goals for the future go hand in hand. He wants to position OnPoint Capital to double in size within five years and to be on the front end of financing robotics and related equipment, while also continuing to grow their largest vertical – material handling. In the short term, he is focused on the impact of AI and what will be required of his organization to make it a positive experience for their customers.

“I’ve been in the industry for over 20 years, and it has never stayed the same,” Stranzl says. “There’s a constant evolution, whether it’s new types of equipment, new types of solutions, different challenges or government
changes. Every day is a learning opportunity, and there’s no better job than one where you are learning daily. I’m fortunate to have a supportive team; our leadership team has been together for over a decade, so we are in lockstep.”

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