Nick Small: Excitement In The Evolution Of Tomorrow

by Erin Rafter Monitor 100 2024
After nearly 35 years in equipment finance, Nick Small is leading Cisco Capital as president. He outlines his vision for the company and shares his perspective on the best way to ensure the ongoing vitality of the industry.

Nick Small,
Cisco Capital

Nick Small started his career in the equipment finance industry at Copelco Capital, then became the company’s controller in 1995. Three years later, Small and a few Copelco colleagues launched Captive Leasing Services, which was later acquired by CIT, where Small stayed for 17 years before joining Cisco Capital. This year, he assumed the role of president, succeeding Kris Snow. “I have been extremely fortunate with varied opportunities and supportive mentors throughout my career,” Small says. “I started in an independent financing company, then moved to a startup, then went to a bank, and now a captive. I see this as an endorsement of how innovative and ever-changing our industry is and are the reasons why I have stayed.”

When it comes to business strategy, Cisco Capital’s top priority remains steadfast: enable and accelerate the sales of Cisco technology by continuously innovating payment solutions tailored to customers’ and partners’ needs. Small emphasizes the importance of efficiency in enhancing customer experience, optimizing portfolio performance, and maximizing shareholder value. As the market landscape evolves, he and his team remain committed to ensuring their systems and capabilities are agile enough to adapt quickly. Small views the current state of the industry as strong. As macroeconomics such as interest rates and geopolitics continue to impact the industry, he believes the collective focus should be around establishing a resilient workforce.

“For all the industry veterans out there, there’s a great value in each of us focusing on how to continue to attract top diverse talent as well as accelerating DE&I initiatives,” Small says. “It can only enhance the future of equipment finance because it helps drive innovation, broaden perspectives, and gain a deeper understanding of customers and partners.”

While Small’s team has utilized forms of AI for decades, he believes the advancements are accelerating at a rapid pace and will ultimately push Cisco Capital and the industry to be more competitive, customer-centric, and
driven to consistently exceed expectations.

“Our vision at Cisco Capital likely resonates with all equipment financing member companies. We believe success lies in the commitment to the customer, the ability to offer innovative, reliable solutions, and remain dedicated to staying ahead of the curve when it comes to technology, capabilities, and platforms.”

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